CONCEPTS1. Ultimate pranks-youtube competition, funny pranks, ski shoes, ultimate furniture slider, mentos and coke, slippery, be responsible with your wrapper, b/w spot with englishmans voice
2. Art work-andy Warhol paints Hana Montana in banana style?, incorporate with cartoons?, clothing buttons, perhaps this can be our stylistic approach paired with another concept?
3. Day in the Life of a Banana- banana journey
- worried about skincare
4. Candy Kid and Banana Kid 50 yrs old- Candy Kid, very big with very bad teeth
- banana kids with banana smile…
5. Compare with other fruit- orange - sourpuss, sour, chubby
- apple – geek, loner, wax statue look
- banana – cool tropical voice, sunny and happy, hangs out in bunches
6. Banana Hip Hop- create new sticker label (repackage)
- associate with hip hop culture
7. Every Athlete’s Favorite Fruit“My favorite snack is a banana because it gives me all the energy I need to before a big match.”
- Karri Walsh, gold medalist women’s volleyball 2008 olympics
Potential is huge here. We can get male and female athletes involved here. Sidney Crosby etc.
I can envision a online game where you can feed your athlete bananas or candy and see how he/she performs afterwards. Perhaps some gross stuff too…
8. Banana is a battery for humans… and animals- bright yellow background, black silhouette foreground
- yellow background rises like a charger
- look to Nike ads for inspiration?
9. The banana is beautiful, you can be too.The banana is tall and slim. Lots of tweens and teens have idols that are tall and slim. Candy? Not so tall and slim. Also the nutritional benefits of bananas can keep you tall and slim. Probably better for your skin than candy too. Big potential here?
10. The banana never lies.The skin is a built in ripeness indicator that no other fruit or candy has (well, candy has an expiration date). Isn’t that cool?
11. Focus on ARTIFICIAL Candy vs. Natural Banana- candy has deep ARTIFICIAL colours and flavoring like some Californians
- banana is as natural as can be
- show obviously artificial people eating candy, show everyday cool kid eating a banana
- Candy is FAKE
- Candy is like that fake friend that you had in high school
- You’re Disgusting Mr. Candy. Here’s why.
12. Repackage swap (HEIST)- wrap up a banana nicely like candy or McDonalds
- remove the wrapping and artificial colouring from candy
- see who is gross, mirror with real life human styles? Eat Real!
- perhaps the VW engineers can do the honours?
13. Banana Phone- seems popular on youtube….
14. You are what eat T.V. show spoof- basically layout all the junk that people eat in one year all at once on a table spread
15. Super Size Me- have two teens have an eating competition. One has to eat bananas everyday for a month, the other has to eat Cadbury Caramilk for a month. Stats collected (weight, mood, blood sugar, pressure, etc), also check for skin condition and hair condition. At the end, a trip to the dentist.
16. The wonderful world of banana pairings- banana pancakes, banana cake, banana chips, banana split, peanut butter and banana… etc
17. Yellow is Better- this is a bit more conceptual, but we can take advantage of the positive happy colour of yellow and associate all good things with it.
18. Teenagers making a banana movie of some sort- youtube, home ground stuff… there are a few but rather crude. Can they be shaped to keep the energy but change the message?
19. Banana on Much Music with all teen idols during the Much Music Teen Choice Awards- dunno where this is going…
20. Teen Idols singing “Banana Chips” Karaoke- just fun and silly, possibly memorable?
- encourage many celebrities to upload to youtube?
21. Banana Art- can show someone making the art on a banana to cool music
- teen banana art competition, while using everything cradle to grave.